Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank you!

District decides to go back to traditional math

A huge number of people have worked long and hard to put the math back in math education at Columbia Public Schools. Thank you!

Michelle Pruitt
Columbia Parents for Real Math


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear about your success. I'm a member of the Olympia Parent Advocates for Real Math (OlyPARM) and we unsuccessfully fought the adoption of Connected Math Project 2 in our school district two years ago.

It is extremely uplifting to read about a happy ending! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your sucess!! Here in Hudson, Ohio we have Investigations in K-5 and Connected Math in 6-8. It is a disaster and is going to be compounded because the Supt. and Board plan to now switch the high school to this constructivist nonsense. I can't believe parents here are so passive they are probably going to just let it happen.